Friday, May 27, 2005


”I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands:
one Nation under God, indivisible,
With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Americans are members of many different groups. Each of us is a member of a family, a member of a city or county, a member of a state, and a member of the United States. Some of us are members of a church, a member of a denomination, and a member of a religion. Some of us are Republicans, some of us are Democrats, and some of us are members of other political parties. The groups which we can belong are almost as plentiful as there are Americans. We are passive members of some groups that don’t interest us and we are very active members of the groups that stimulate us the most.

As Christian believers who live in the United States, we should have some allegiance to each of the groups where we have membership, but we can’t ever subordinate our membership in the kingdom of heaven to our membership in any of these other groups. Christ, and the purposes of Christ, and the wishes of Christ have got to come first. The primary allegiance for the believer has got to be to our Lord; not the flag, not the republic for which it stands, and not the unity of all states.

For many reasons, Americans are very fortunate to be members of the United States. We have more freedom, more safety, and more opportunities than the citizens of most any other country in the history of the world. One of the reasons for our good fortune has been our system of government and our willingness to obey the law.

Immigration is an area where American Christians have shown more allegiance to groups other than the kingdom of heaven. While it is not fair for some immigrants to break our law and move to the United States illegally, it is also not fair for Americans to shut our borders to foreigners who want to move to America and be a part of our society. American Christians should be leading the way in creating an America that opens our borders in a fair and orderly fashion. American Christians should not be leading the movement that closes America in a way that protects a birthright. American Christians do not have a birthright to be selfish with our freedom, our safety, and the opportunities in our country.


Hammertime said...

I respectfully disagree - but not because I think the kingdom of heaven's posiiton is different from what you present.

I put forth that the kingdom of heaven has NO position on immigration...just as it does not have one on taxation, gun ownership, term limits, sentencing guidelines, or just about any issue that does not deal directly with the church or the individual Christian.

That's why I think God is not a Republican or a Democrat. Many of the issues of our government are not a function of the Word of God, and are outside of the realm of its dictates. They aren't exempt - it's just that we don't find the answer there.

While it is not fair for some immigrants to break our law and move to the United States illegally, it is also not fair for Americans to shut our borders to foreigners who want to move to America and be a part of our society. I'm not saying I disagree - what I want to know is, why should this be the Christian position? I know you have moved on past this, so I understand if you don't get to it.

David M. Smith said...

Welcome back! Good to see the move didn’t get the best of you. Thanks for disagreeing. I thought this was one of my better posts, so I was a little disapointed I didn’t get any takers [comments].

Usually I would find an area of agreement when you disagree with me, but this time it might be kind of small. OK, the kingdom of heaven does not have a position specifically on illegal immigration in the United States in 2005, but the kingdom of heaven does have a postion on the treatment of aliens (Non-Citizens) and the kingdom of heaven definetely has a position on who we should consider our neighbors.

I would never advocate you or anyone else should have to give up your land for immigrants, but I just don’t see where there is a shortage of land in the United States; California maybe, but not the United States. I would also expect immigrants to contribute to society, not just take from society.

Everyone born in the United States, believers and non-believers are blessed. Individuals in other countries may also be blessed, but there is no country in the world that matches the United States as far as opportunities and security. Every person who was born in our country today benefits from all of the Americans who have gone before us and made this country what it is. You and I may have a role in keeping this country secure, but we didn’t create this country and it is not our birthright.

I am open to arguments to the contrary, but all I here is anti-immigrant bashing, and how they are breaking our laws. Maybe, it is our immigration laws that need to change along with our hard hearts.

I agree God is not a Republican or a Democrat. In fact, the post before this one explains my take.

Hammertime said...

Well, we don't disagree much at all then! We can certainly establish a method of legal, fair immigration that is charitable to both immigrants and current citizens. I also agree that there is a lot of illegal alien bashing - and I cringe when I hear it from a Christian policy group.

The Heritage Foundation can have a position on immigration. The American Family Association should not.

The American Honky Tonk Bar Association likely will, however.